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Before making contact, please read the below information carefully. This info contains FAQ's, Hire info and Programming info. If your project still fits, you can drop us a line via the button below. 




The Basics: 

  • 53two is a 130-seater theatre space. This capacity can be increased to 150 with cabaret seating. 

  • The seating is tiered and the playing space is at floor level. Decking can be added to raise the stage at an extra cost. 

  • As standard the playing space measures: 27ft wide x 23ft deep. There is an upstage R & L exit/entrance and black curtain. 

  • The venue is open from 11am daily. The dressing rooms will be locked 30 minutes after each performance/event ends. Entrance before 11am is only available upon request and cannot be guaranteed. 



The Programming: 

53two curate all the shows that visit and so it may be that the play doesn’t fit our programming. Do note that 53two DO NOT produce or receive plays that have been produced before outside of London. We will only accept new writing that hasn’t been done outside of London or in the world before or if it’s in its first, 6 months of touring.


Once you submit a play/idea, 53two will ask for;


  • A digital copy of the script 

  • A copy of your tour pack/EPK

  • Information on the production team/individual and history of work

  • Company information 


Once we have this information, there are 4 possible outcomes. You will be notified of these outcomes within 1 month of submission: 


  1. The play does not fit our programming.

If this is the case we won’t be able to house your show but wish you all the best with it. You can request feedback however, this isn’t always available. 

 2. You can hire the space at our standard rates.

If we feel that the project will fit our programming and we’ll be able to  market it/ sell tickets and have a successful run then we can offer you the 150 seater auditorium at our standard rates (See below ‘Straight Hire’). This is the most common option. 


 3. We like the project and are happy to co-produce with you.

In these instances, we recognise the project is sellable. As such, we are willing to take a risk and co-produce in terms of financial responsibility. So, we  offer a box office split where we share the ticket income. The split will be determined taking into consideration each application. 


 4. We love the project and it fits so well, we’d like to produce it.

In these instances, we would seek the approval of the writer to produce the play and we would RnD, cast, rehearse, light, design, direct and produce the piece in it’s entirety. Fees would be negotiated for the writer. 


Straight Hire: 

Hire fees are dependent on many factors. To note; 


  • A straight hire includes the space only. This is the 150 seater auditorium. Once the fee has been paid, all ticket sales money will go to the visiting company. 

  • A technician/Stage Manager IS NOT included in this hire fee. We can however, provide you with the contact details of our pool who will then negotiate a fee outside of any agreement with the theatre. 

  • A Front of House staff member IS NOT included in this fee and so you should find someone reliable to take tickets and check people in to the theatre. 

  • All lights in the rig and a PA/Sound System IS INCLUDED in the hire. (See Tech Spec). The rig cannot be moved. 

  • Cinema screen IS NOT included in hires. Should you wish to hire our cinema screen and projector, there is an extra charge of £50. 


The Cost:

You should expect the cost of hire to range between £350/night to £1600 a week. Do note, hire fees are based on many factors and the above numbers should be used as a guideline. Hire fees will be confirmed once all the event details have been collated. ALL PRICES EXCLUDE VAT UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. 


NB: When booking, you will be asked to provide the time you require entry to the venue. Entry before this agreed time IS NOT ALLOWED. Should you wish to enter earlier, this HAS to be communicated at least 48 hours before the event. Additional charges may be incurred. Unless booked, tech rehearsals, early set/costume drop-off, early prep time are NOT included, unless agreed with the venue. Ie. A 4pm booking cannot start at 3:30/3:45 if not agreed. 



There are some instances where we might recommend the piece for one of our charitable initiatives such as 53New. Recognise that it’s important to support and nurture new individual artists/companies. We also recognise that it’s sometimes hard to hire a theatre space for your production. So, 53New is an initiative open to new artists/companies and provides you with the chance to get 15% off performance space and pay the hire-fee 10 days after your last performance. There are several conditions surrounding this initiative and all companies must read the information carefully before applying. Read the info here: 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Policy: 

All visiting companies must agree to operate under the 53two Equality, Diversity (EDI) and Inclusivity Policy. This can be found here: If we believe that companies are not adhering to this we can remove the show from programming or refuse to market the piece, releasing a statement to make it clear that the performance is not a part of 53two. When considering the EDI, you should look at the visibility of minority groups in their company and should strive to accurately represent the population of Greater Manchester. 



Whatever hire option is selected, 53two will help market the show. We ask that visiting companies provide the following: 


  • A digital A4 poster

  • A digital square poster 


Companies can also provide a graphic (image or video of up to 10 seconds) for our in-venue screen. This should be:

  • 1920 x 1080px


Companies are able to display printed artwork in-venue should they desire. If this is so, printed artwork must be the following: 


  • Maximum 300 A5 flyers (depending on length of run)

  • Maximum 2 A3 posters


Companies are able to purchase advertising space for their show on our on-street digital screen. If this is desired, your A4 digital poster will be inserted into our own branded graphic. Advertising space can be purchased for £50 a week. NB: If we are co-producing, producing or the event is under 53new, these prices may reduce/be removed. 


PRS Licensing: 

53two has a PPL/PRS licence to play music in the bar and music for entrances and exits. This is music that is non-interpolated. If a production wishes to play interpolated music ie music that exists within the dramatic world of the production, then this licence must be obtained by the visiting company. 



Visiting companies can choose to set up their ticket link themselves and provide 53two with that link, or, 53two can set up the link for them. In the latter case, 53two will take 1.5% of all NET income to cover admin/costs. 53two can sell tickets through the till, on the evenings of performance ONLY. As above, 1.5% of NET ticket sales are taken by the venue to cover admin/costs. Ticket sales over the till CAN ONLY be sold for the night of performance. NB: The venue is cashless. 

Tech Spec: 

Download the Tech Spec here.

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