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Drawing WindowsThe first version of Drawing Windows included two new style options for layout windows. Users could now choose between a title window or an indent window. In addition, it became possible to turn off the indents in the title window or to specify a different style for the indent window, if desired.New Layer IndicatorAutoCAD’s default layer indicator is a thin line across the top of the drawing canvas, with the layer numbers being displayed below it. It can be useful for identifying layers, but the thin line can be difficult to read against a dense drawing area, especially in larger drawings with many layers.To improve the readability of layers in large drawings, the new Layer Indicator displays a thin line on each layer that can be moved and rotated to position it to best match the individual layer’s level.Blocking OutBlocking Out is now an official concept in AutoCAD. Blocking Out allows users to quickly create design guidelines that will be considered when they draw their work.Blocking out is available as a brand new command in the Draw tab’s Blocking panel and also works as an extension to the Inventor tool.When creating a new drawing, users can click the Blocking command to access the Blocking panel, where they can select a layer as the base for the guideline and choose from a variety of styles for it. Users can then type a title for the layer before saving the drawing.You can block out layers to create guidelines for drafting and construction.This year we also added new style options for the Blocking command. You can now choose between an elongated rectangle and a smaller box, or select a custom shape from a library of built-in blocks.We also added a default behavior for when you block out a layer: if you selected the predefined rectangle or box style, the layer will stretch in proportion to the base dimensions. If you specified a custom shape, the layer will be scaled up or down to fit the shape.With the Block to Area feature, the drawing canvas is divided into sections and each section can be blocked out with a different height. This lets you quickly and easily create a blocked-out drawing area of any size.The Blocking tool is now available as an AutoCAD extension and also works as an Inventor tool. 2be273e24d
AutoCAD PC/Windows 2022 [New]
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